Are you considering bankruptcy for your business or family? Are you seriously delinquent on credit card payments or a car loan? Are creditors harassing you with phone calls at home and at work? Are you interested in learning your options regarding Chapter 7 bankruptcy and searching bankruptcy attorney Maryland? If so, consider The Pels Law Firm, LLC, one of the most reputed bankruptcy lawyers in MD to help you through a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing and get you back on track with your finances.

Would you like to speak with someone regarding your options and Chapter 7 bankruptcy? Please contact an attorney from The Pels Law Firm, LLC, today to schedule your consultation. Read about bankruptcy and answers to frequently asked questions.

Chapter 7 and the new bankruptcy laws

The new bankruptcy laws require consumers to become eligible for Chapter 7 filing under a means test. The means test will consider your income relative to the median income in your state. If you do not qualify for Chapter 7, the next option is Chapter 13. Some people may be under the impression that they are not eligible to file for Chapter 7 liquidation bankruptcy. The new laws have made it more difficult for those filing for bankruptcy but our firm can help and we have a track record of success as the reputed bankruptcy lawyers in Maryland and Virginia.

An automatic stay will be filed by the court after our firm files a bankruptcy petition on your behalf. The automatic stay will put an immediate stop to attempts by creditors’ to collect a debt. This includes credit card payments, car loans, and mortgage payments.

At The Pels Law Firm, LLC, we are dedicated to helping consumers break free from debt and start anew on their finances. Contact us today to learn how we can help you.