Fairfax circuit court jury returned a unanimous verdict awarding punitive damages on behalf of clients represented by Jon D. Pels. The punitive damages amounted to approximately 50 times the actual compensatory costs incurred by Mr. Pels’ clients.
This is the second jury trial in a row in which Mr. Pels has obtained exemplary damages on behalf of his clients. In October 2018 after 3 weeks of a jury trial with over 343 exhibits are unanimous jury verdict came back finding fraud, among other things, against four (4) separate defendants in the amount of $659,576, $294,356, $659,576, and $294,356 on behalf of Mr. Pels’ client, SRM Arms.
“A colleague told me that most trial lawyers will go their career without obtaining a punitive damage award from a jury; that I should be very proud I have obtained two exemplary awards in the last seven months,” said Pels. “The first one was a unanimous 12 to 0 verdict in Boise, Idaho, for a multimillion dollar business dispute. The second this past week was a 6 to 0 unanimous verdict by a Fairfax county circuit court jury against a highly intoxicated defendant who refused a field sobriety test,” Pels said.