Camp LeJeune Contaminated Water Case?

Pels Law Attorney Maria Leonard Olsen Interview: “5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me When I First Became an Attorney”

Thrive Global's Ben Ari interviewed Pels Law attorney Maria Leonard Olsen.  The complete article, entitled "5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me When I First Became an Attorney", can be read on Maria's blog.

By |September 10th, 2023|News|

Pels Law firm selected in several categories for the “Top Attorneys” list in Bethesda magazine

Earlier this year, Bethesda magazine sent a survey to more than 1,700 attorneys who practice law in Montgomery County asking them to name the attorneys they would recommend in 29 practice areas. More than 400 attorneys participated in the survey.  Attorneys at the Pels Law Firm were selected as a “Top Attorney” across the following [...]

By |August 22nd, 2023|Awards|

Pels Law Welcomes Megan O’Donnell as a Summer Associate

The Pels Law Firm welcomes Megan O’Donnell as a summer associate in our Bethesda office. Megan is a J.D. candidate at the University of Baltimore School of Law, From Kensington, Maryland, Megan graduated from Connolly School of the Holy Child, where she was a multi-sport Varsity athlete, and developed an interest in government and law [...]

By |May 16th, 2023|News|

Jon Pels and Kiersten Pels co-author new book

Jon Pels has written and published a new e-book, co-authored with his daughter Kiersten. The book aims to share the knowledge Jon has gained over the course of his extensive career with people who are not trial lawyers.  Entitled "How to Use the Trial Lawyer’s Learned Treatise Exception to Hearsay to Get What You Deserve [...]

By |March 9th, 2023|News|

Pels Law Secures $1.44 Million Victory for Disabled Veteran in Home Construction Case

The Pels Law firm today won a summary judgment against a home contractor for $1.4 million in damages, including treble damages, for the contractor failing to fulfill D.C. licensure requirements prior to performing work on our client's property.  The case was filed in the D.C. Superior Court.  Attorney's fees also were awarded to our client, [...]

By |October 18th, 2022|Awards|

How to Best Protect Your Company During Construction Projects

Pels Law Firm attorney, Maria Olsen, attended the American Arbitration Association’s (“AAA”) 2022 Construction Law Conference this month, at which construction law arbitrators and general counsels from the country’s largest construction firms presented. Maria shares in this post conference takeaways that can help our construction clients protect themselves. Most construction contracts contain mandatory arbitration clauses, [...]

Memorandum Opinion is a Win for Pels Law Client

Pels Law was able to obtain a memorandum opinion in White v Date Trucking, 2018 WL 2462921 and it has since been cited positively six times thus far.  In this case, our client, a father of five, was hit in the head due to a negligently placed load bar in an empty truck.  A key issue in the [...]

By |March 29th, 2022|Awards, Injury, Results|

DC Employers: Beware of the Noncompetition Agreement Ban Going into Effect in April 2022

The District of Columbia is creating the broadest ban on noncompetition agreements in the country. The D.C. Council passed The Ban on Non-Compete Agreements Amendment Act (the “Act”) last year, but its applicability date was tied to the approval of the city’s budget. The Act prohibits most post-employment non-compete agreements (it excludes physicians). In addition, [...]

By |February 7th, 2022|News|
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